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Welcome  To  Whatworld

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Leslie What is a grandmother, writing teacher, and editor.


She received a Nebula Award for short story and is the author of the story collection, "Crazy Love" (Wordcraft of Oregon), a finalist for the 2009 Ken Kesey Award for Fiction.


Her writing has been published in numerous anthologies and in journals. Crazy Love received Publishers Weekly and Booklist starred reviews, and was listed by Booklist as one of the Top Ten SF Books of 2008. The story collection also won a gold medal in the Next Generation Indie Awards.


Book Cover for "Crazy Love" by Leslie What, Painting by Jessica Plattner
"Crazy Love" stories by Leslie What, Painting by Jessica Plattner

"These seventeen achingly funny and hilariously sad stories
 will give you invaluable advice on how to love, how to be crazy, how 
to be human"

Ursula K. Le Guin


"What do you mean you don't like tongue? You loved tongue. You used to eat it all up. Don't tell stories."

— Leslie's Mom